From the Guestbook

“We won the lottery with Mallard Mountain Lodge. Could not have dreamed up a better, more thoughful experience if we had tried.”

– Blake, Chloe, Carlyle, USA, February, 2024

“Congratulations ~ what a great place! Always felt like home but even more relaxing. Every day was a new beautiful challenge. You all made this week outstanding, beautiful and peaceful”

– Mischa and Andy, Switzerland, February, 2024

“WOW! Beyond our expectations. Thanks for sharing with us this exceptional place. Keep it a secret and just the way it is right now: the experience of being alone in such a huge territory is unique.”

-The Quebecois: Olivier, JS, Ramy, Vincent, Francois. February, 2023

“What an amazing experience! From the moment you enter the Lodge you feel the warmth and welcome. This is a trip we will never forget.”

-Jelissa, Sid, Rakesh, Lalita, Vancouver, BC, September, 2022

“These were the best ski days I’ve EVER had. We’ve been welcomed like family and felt like royalty – Thank you for an unforgettable experience!”

-ADAM, Vancouver, BC

Thank you for an amazing 4 days! The food was fantastic, the views left me speechless and the company was great. I loved the lodge and all it’s surroundings. Saw a grizzly while walking to the South Tarn – another unforgettable experience. Love the shower! I can’t wait to come back.”

-MENNA M, West Whales, U.K. 

“The McManus family welcomes everyone like long-lost friends.”

-B. BROUDY, Vermont

“Fantastic lodging, terrain, hosts & weather. Your ‘no problem’ attitude keeps the chill vibe.”

-CAMPBELLS, Vancouver, B.C.

“Thank you for a memorable 5 days of gorgeous skiing, delicious meals, and luxurious accommodations. This is a very special place, and we are excited to tell our readers about it. Your passion for this place comes through in everything that you do! Thank you!”

-KRISTIN H, Backpacker Magazine

“Thank you so much for an amazing holiday. This has been a dream come true, I’m just sad it has taken me 33 years to come on my first backcountry trip. But, this certainly won’t be the last. Thank you so much Derek, Paul & Ali for an unforgettable 3 days skiing & singing!”

-ROBYN K, Vancouver BC

“So much beauty, epic powder, delightful & fueling food, good company, and guidance/inspirartion from our guide, Thomas. We loved the Mallard Lodge & all the beauty that surrounds it. Can’t wait to come back.”

-CHRIS & JEN T., Portland OR

“Great fun, great people, great turns. Lotsa hucking & lotsa laughs. Thanks to our leader Thomas & to Paul & Derek for taking good care of us.”


“A fantastic week spent here .We enjoyed beautiful weather and good stability, powder turns aplenty! Trip into Whirlpool Basin won’t be soon forgotten. Lots of music talk, nightly jam sessions & all around good times. I’m looking forward to coming back next week for some more!”

-A.R., Revelstoke BC

“I can’t say thank you enough. Everyone in the group had a fantastic time. I think on every level, the trip exceeded our expectations. Thank you, thank you, thank you – your family has built something extraordinary.”

-ALAN, Keystone CO

“Thank you for the wonderful stay! I enjoyed the hikes to the lakes so I could skip rocks. The lodge was good because it had delicious food.”

-Arnov, age 10, Washington D.C.

“Words cannot convey our thanks to you for sharing the backwoods and backmountains of the Rocky Mountains with us. The experience is one we will truly never forget. We will be thinking of you, our incredible hikes, the breath-taking views, the good food, and the calm patient guidance of this incredible adventure, every time we fly over the BC/Alberta border. We are so very grateful for this experience of a lifetime”


Rich, Tristan, Russ and Louise, Vancouver, BC.