Weather & Location








Mallard Mountain Lodge Weather Forecast

Click on Weather Report  for current and forecast weather sourced from For Mallard Mountain Lodge elevation, choose “1500 meters” in “Forecast Elevation”

Despite a challenging start to last season, 2024 provided excellent conditions for the majority of the winter and finished with some of our best skiing into late April. 2025 is expected to be a La Nina winter, forecasted to be cold, stormy, and with lots of precipitation.


Mallard Mountain Lodge is located in one of the most remote sections of the Canadian Rockies in an area we call Punchbowl. North of the Selkirks and east of the Monashees this area is famous for its champagne dry powder and consistent snowpack and weather. Although weather and snowfall can never be guaranteed, we choose this area specifically for its northern location providing generally cooler temperatures as well as being situated at the convergence of warm pacific air moving east and hitting the cold air masses over the Columbia Icefields, providing consistent dry rocky mountain powder all season long.

Bordering Jasper National Park, our tenure covers 5 valleys and over 23,000 acres of terrain, from open powder bowls and high alpine ridges in the winter, to wildflower filled meadows and crystal clear mountain lakes and creeks in the summer.


Maps & Coordinates

Lodge Coordinates

  • 52°, 28′, 30″ North
  • 118°, 15′, 45″ West

For a Map of our entire operating tenure, click Here

For a Ski & Snowboard Touring Map, click Here

For a Summer Hiking Map, click Here.


group of hikers descending alpine ridge
helicopter landing at backcountry lodge

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