Weather & Location

Mallard Mountain Lodge Weather Forecast

Click on Weather Report  for current and forecast weather sourced from For Mallard Mountain Lodge elevation, choose “1500 meters” in “Forecast Elevations”.

Weather during current 1/3 interval of month at Lodge elevation 1,921 meters (6,400 feet)

Mix of sun, cloud, rain. 

Rain: 12.1 mms = .47 inches

Temperature: 0C to 27C = 32F to 80F

Winter 2023/2024 Snow Summary

Height of snowpack maximum at Lodge during operating season was about average at 155 cms = 1.55 meters = 61 inches = 5.1 feet.

Season overview. Despite a difficult start to the winter generally across the province, thanks to our northerly location and excellent snowbelt we had good conditions throughout the season (except for a couple of days in late January) and we had some of our best late season conditions with excellent skiing well into April.

Coordinates & Maps


Mallard Mountain Lodge is the most private & remote backcountry Lodge in the Canadian Rockies. One of our features, favored by our guests, is that there is no road access to the Lodge. The 30-minute helicopter ride cleanses the mind and soul as you fly deep into the BC Rockies to our little corner of backcountry paradise.

Coordinates of the Mallard Mountain Lodge as derived from NRCan Topographic Map print Athabasca Pass 83D/8

  • 52 degrees, 28 minutes, 30 seconds North
  • 118 degrees, 15 minutes, 45 seconds West



For a Ski & Snowboard Touring Map, click on Winter Map.

For a Hiking Map, click on Summer Map.

For a Map of our entire area, click Canadian Adventure Company’s Mallard Mountain Lodge Operating Area

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We can’t wait to show you our beautiful neck of the woods.